Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Creative Sports Photography Session ...

Here's a sample from our baseball creative sports photography sessions taken during the day but it looks like a night shot.
sports photography, sports portrait, youth sports photography, pro sports photography, baseball, sports league photography

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Dance Creative Marketing Session ....

We are continuing our creative sports marketing session highlights with a sport a day. Here's a sample from one of the phenomenal dancers at Suzanne's Dance Connection! Suzanne Kakouris Ann-Marie Bairos #sportsmarketing #creative #artistic #dance

dance, dance photography, sports, sports photography, youth sports photography, creative photopgrpahy,

Monday, May 22, 2017

Sports Marketing Photography

Are you looking to showcase your sports skills to the scouts? Our creative sports marketing session is just what you need to make sure you stand out! Give us a call at 781-209-5888 or email and find out for yourself what we can do!

sports photography, sports marketing, youth sports, sports league photography, sports all star

Bedford Youth Lacrosse Picture Day ...

The fun continued all day during the Bedford Youth Lacrosse picture day! Everyone at the studio has various levels of sunburn but it was all worth it!

Youth Sports Photography, sports league photograph, sports photography, picture day, lacrosse photography

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Head Shots: What does your say about you?

First Impressions
Think of the three words that describe you as a professional. Now look at your website photograph.

Does that picture match the mental image that your words convey? If not, you’re sending the wrong signals.

Some studies show that people draw conclusions about a person within 40 milliseconds based on their photograph and your company might be exactly what potential clients want and need. However, if the all-important first impression from your photographs conveys anything less than the quality your company represents, those clients will take their business to the competition.

head shot, headshots, business portrait, executive portrait, marketing, commercial photography

 Your Images are Everywhere
In today’s world of social media, photographs don’t stay just on company websites. Your portrait, along with those of employees, inevitably goes viral and appears on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and innumerable other sites.
head shot, headshots, business portrait, executive portrait, marketing, commercial photography
All of those images build and communicate your company brand. They must portray your company, its people, and its mission with pride, accuracy and consistency. Only a professional photographer can perform this important marketing task for you. Snapshots, casually posed and taken with little thought to composition, lighting, environment and theme, rarely do you justice.

Take Charge of Your Messages
You can’t always control how far and wide your photographs travel. But you can ensure that they portray the best elements of your brand: you and your team. Engage a professional photographer to create authentic portraits. The images will last at least three years and will reinforce the qualities that attract your best clients.
head shot, headshots, business portrait, executive portrait, marketing, commercial photography

head shot, headshots, business portrait, executive portrait, marketing, commercial photographyWhether your company’s style is formal, casual or somewhere in between, we can create professional portraits that project your unique qualities with a creative, professional finish. We are the FIRST and ONLY studio in Massachusetts that have 2 Certified Professional Photographers on staff. Call us today at 781-209-5888 or e-mail to see how we can help . See more of our portfolio at

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Teen Photogenic Award ...

We are very excited announce that one of our long term dance clients from Suzanne's Dance Connection was awarded the "Teen Most Photogenic Award" at the Starbound National Talent Competition this past weekend. The winning image below, was created by "The Boss" during a recent creative photography session.

portrait photography, business portrait, head shot, headshot, executive portraits, creative portraits, photography

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Future Sensei ...

We wanted to share a recent portrait that we did of a future Sensei. I'm sure you will all agree that she could disarm even the most hardened heart with either her awesome karate skills or her adorable smile! #martialarts #karate #futuresensei #sports

sports portrait, sports photography, sports league photography, martial arts photography, karate, martial arts