Saturday, July 16, 2011

"Build It and They Will Come"

Well we kicked off the 2011 Cal Ripken Eastern Massachusetts State Tournament last night...and what a night! About 120 ball players participated in the Opening Ceremonies where they were wished luck and success by Dan Duquette former General Manager of the Boston Red Sox, now owner of Duquette Sports Academy (, the Lowell Spinners Canaligator (, and believe it or not, Babe Ruth (!

We're very excited to be a part of the week long tournament, photographing each of the games as well as the Awards Ceremony to wrap things up. Stay tuned to our blog and Facebook page for image samples from the week and updates on some of the great plays we know we're going to see.

Thank you to the Burlington Baseball and Softball Association ( for hosting us.

Good Luck to all the players...hope you all "hit it out of the park" this week!

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